Dear Lambchop,
It hasn’t even been two full months since we learned about your existence, yet it seems like a lifetime ago! As the days grow closer to your arrival into the world, I find myself eagerly anticipating meeting you. I don’t get to spend much time with you right now, I wish you were growing in my belly for the mere fact that I would get to be with you every moment of everyday…..but I accept that’s not how our story was written and you are exactly where you need to be right now, in your momma’s belly.
Your momma and I spend time together whenever we can. I take her to all of her doctor appointments and we sometimes get together just to hang out. This friday we are going to spend the afternoon together. I adore your momma, Haile. She is such a sweet girl, with such a beautiful soul. She is so pleasant to be around, I love talking with her and laughing with her. She is a tiny little thing, and just the other day, at 18 weeks pregnant, she just started showing. She sent me a picture of her belly and I can finally see you are growing in there! We will confirm your gender in just a few more weeks, on July 26th! We cannot wait, so we can pick a name and nursery colors!
We are quickly approaching the middle of the
summer months, we have been spending time settling into our new home, working on small projects. We just moved in two months ago and still haven’t completely unpacked. Your daddy had settled into the “office” on the first floor when we discovered that we were going to need that space as your nursery! One of my dreams of becoming a mommy was decorating a beautiful nursery for our baby. It’s so hard to believe that after 4 years, our dreams are coming true! I had almost given up hope at some points, but I just kept leaning on Gods promises to us in the scriptures, and I kept my faith. I knew that somehow, someway, He would make our hearts content. Sometimes it’s really hard trusting, we grow impatient, disappointed, sometimes sad….but if you just keep believing, your dreams will come true!
You are expected to make a grand entrance on December 9th. Your original due date was December 25th, but after seeing a scan at another doctors office, they officially made Dec 9th your due date. It’s hard to believe that this Christmas we will celebrate with you in our lives. I feel like we waited so long for the news of you, yet in hindsight, it won’t matter how long we had to wait. Just knowing that you are growing everyday and preparing to come into our lives has me smiling all day long lately.
Only 4 more months til we will meet our sweet little baby! Keep on growing strong. Enjoy your time in your mommas belly….soon you will be taking your first breaths in this insanely big world we live in and your journey will begin, as our continues to unfold. I can tell you this little one, life is filled with so many blessings and surprises. There’s been so many friends and family who have been praying for you to come into all of our lives and cannot wait to meet you; me, the most of all ! ;)
So excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl and what you plan for the nursery. :-)